
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Serena & Lily Knockoff Kids Curtain Panels

Serena & Lily Knockoff Curtains

This "Ikea-hack" saves at least $50 a panel!

Custom curtain panels kids

This was one of those projects that just kind of fell into my lap. Months ago I needed curtains for my living room, but I couldn't decide on any, so I bought some inexpensive white Ikea Curtains for $9.99/pair and decided to live with them until I became more decisive. And several months later, I finally did.

I moved the white curtains to my daughters' room, because they only had blinds in there. And they looked pretty nice as they were. Until I got the Serena & Lily catalog in the mail. Then I knew they could look a lot nicer.

I mean, come on. Look how beautiful! 

But the problem here was, with these Serena and Lily Curtains, even at the shortest length they offer (63"), you're looking at a cost of $58/panel: that's $116/pair (the 96" is $98, or $196/pair). I needed 3 pairs (so, at least $348). There was no way I'd be dropping that kind of money on curtains for a kids room, but I SO wanted that look!

But I had a good foundation. I had 6 white panels from the Ikea curtains (calculate that out, and they cost about $5/panel). And all they needed was a little trimming. Ideally, I would have loved to have gone down to the city to M+J Trimmings or someplace and look for something even more similar to the tassels from Serena & Lily, but in the interest of time, I drove over to my old standby, Joann Fabrics, and picked up a unit of pink Pom Pom Fringe (original price $34.99; used my coupon and got it for about $21). 

Serena and Lily Knot-Off Curtains for Kids Serena and Lily Kids Knockoff

I decided to cut my curtains to just below the length of my windows, because I didn't want them to be used over and over as "hiding spots." Plus, that would save on the amount of trim I needed! I had enough to finish each of my 6 panels at a length of 66" each. I still had some left over, as you can see from the photos below (BTW how cute is my vintage spool? One of my favorite Country Living Fair finds).

I chose to sew the fringe on the curtains, because it's extremely easy if you are comfortable using a machine. Just pin the trim in place, and sew. But the directions say you can also hot glue the fringe on, so sewing is definitely not necessary. I'm just not sure how hot glue holds up in the washing machine. I'm able to wash mine just fine (but I let them air dry).

Vintage spool and fringeSerena and Lily Kids Room Decor Knockoff

In the end, these curtains cost me about $8.50/panel (not counting the cost of thread, because I already had it). They didn't take long at all, and I'm really happy with how they turned out. I try to be careful about overspending on things for my kids, because they are so young, and I know how often my tastes changed when I was growing up. But they're happy with these for now, and so am I. And no one (husband included) can complain about the price!

Featured on:
Made in a Day


  1. They look super cute! Life to the full! Melissa @ DaisyMaeBelle

    1. Thanks, Melissa! They were a lot of fun to make, too :)

  2. Love them!! I wish I had somewhere in my house to do something as sweet :)

    1. Thanks, Tamsyn. Yes, they're perfect for a little girl's room. I'm trying to take advantage of decorating and shopping for cute little girl things before they don't let me anymore! My 4-yo is now developing her own fashion sense, which is starting to cut me out of the picture :( but I'm glad she's expressing her independence!

  3. These are so very pretty! I actually like the pom pom trim better!!
    Selene @ Restoration Beauty

    1. Thanks for saying that, Selene. I was actually being a bit hard on myself for not sticking more with the original design, so I appreciate it! Have a great day!

  4. Thank you, Elise! That's definitely the look I was going for: pretty! I never imagined I would have such girly-girls as daughters, but I'm just going with it! And it's actually really fun :)

  5. Oh how cute, this would be perfect for a little girl's room! We would love for you to share at our new Super Summer Saturday party here:


    1. Thanks, Julie! I'll check it out next weekend :)

  6. I actually prefer them much more than the Serena and Lily curtains. You did a fabulous job.

  7. Your Drapes are so cute, I will be pinning this. You did a great job.

    Tammy @

  8. Those pompoms are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing your post at the Say G'day Saturday linky party. This week's party has started so please pop by and say G'day if you have a moment.

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  9. What a fab look - so cute! And what a bargain. Look just as good as the originals :-)

    I would love for you to link up at the Mommy Archive - we're focused on curtains, drapes & blinds this week, Alice @ Mums Make Lists

    1. Thanks, Alice! And good timing on the linky! I'll pop by now :)

  10. Just to let you know I've featured you at this week's Empty the Archive. We've got covers and upholstery as a theme this week so if you've got anything that fits the bill do pop over, Alice @ Mums Make Lists x

  11. Fabulous hack: and perfect for a little girl's room. Pinned for future reference!

  12. Oh, good thing you finally found what to do with the IKEA curtains! 'Cos unless you leave in a beach house, the plain white drapes wouldn't be that much appealing. Roxie@Window Treatments Philadelphia

  13. Adorable! I just got my new serena and lily catalog, decided I want to live in it, and googled s&l knock offs and yours came up! You did a great job!

    1. Thanks, Katie! And I completely understand the "wanting to live in the Serena & Lily catalog" feeling! I just love looking through all those beautiful pages.

  14. They look beautiful and yes, they would be expensive if you bought them already trimmed. Pat yourself on the back!

    1. Thanks so much, Mary! Appreciate you stopping by and taking the time to comment :)


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