We All Know Earth Day is Tuesday April 22, 2014
But did you know you can tune into the Spring Greening during the
whole month of April for fun, Earth-friendly ideas?
Meet the Spring Greening Team
I'm so excited to introduce you to this year's Spring Greening Team! These four talented ladies are all earth-loving and creative, and I'm honored that they've agreed to join my in my goal of helping to "spread the green" this April.
Cristin Frank of Eve of Reduction

Here's where you can find Cristin:
Blog: http://eveofreduction.com/
Google+ https://plus.google.com/+
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/ EveofReduction/
Vicky Myers of Vicky Myers Creations
Vicky is passionate about upcycling and loves trying new creative ideas. Blogging keeps the creative juices flowing and a focus to her week, recent projects include making bags out of tweed skirts, a quilt out of old shirts, and an art smock for her daughter.
Here's where you can find Vicky:
Blog: http://vickymyerscreations.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/
Google+ https://plus.google.com/+
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/
Claudia Mazzie-Ballheim of Creative Upcycling

Here's where you can find Claudia:
Blog: creativeupcycling.blogspot.com
Shop: www.wasnowcreations.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/
Lindsey Galvez of So Easy Being Green
Lindsey Galvez lives in a small town in east Tennessee with her two beautiful girls, Sophia {3} and Moreaya {2} and her husband of 5 years, Robert. She began her blog in order to share her simple and easy ideas to help others go a bit green-er, as she was trying to do in her own family. Lindsey loves sharing simple ideas, tips, and products that are green and the day to day life of her family!
Here's where you can find Lindsey:
Blog: http://www.soeasybeinggreen-blog.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/sebg.blog
Twitter: http://twitter.com/sebg_blog
instagram: http://instagram.com/lindseyblogs
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/sebgblog
Stay tuned for April when you'll find posts by all of these lovely ladies, and more green fun {including great eco-friendly giveaways)! I can't wait for Spring Greening to begin; I'm already counting down the days until April 1.
Are we connected yet? Find me on Pinterest, Facebook, and Google+, and Bloglovin so we can start sharing ideas together!
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