My Favorite Five (Non-Baby) Uses for Huggies® Baby Wipes
Why I Depend on Baby Wipes for My Messy Life
Maybe they take after me a bit (I admit, I'm not by nature a "neat" person), but my kids are constantly creating messes. And I'm always struggling to stay on top it. But I've figured out a few tricks along the way (and it's only taken me having 4 kids to get to that point!).

Because Kids Outgrow Diapers, Not Messes*
I remember the thrill of successfully potty training my older kids and the relief that came with no longer needing to lug diapers around. Finally, my purse had more space! And since I wasn't carrying diapers, I didn't need wipes either, right?Um Yea. That lasted about 10 minutes. Right up until the first time I let them eat ice cream in the car. Not much you can do about ice cream smeared all over the window without wipes--and that's exactly what I would have used before I ditched the diapers! Without them, I was stuck. From then on, I was sure to keep Huggies® wipes handy at all times, and since that time, I've even found more practical uses for them!
You can see from the pic above that I've got a bit of a system when it comes to wipes. I get a big box of refills at Walmart and divide them up among two tubs (one for family room, one for baby's room) and two Clutch n Clean packs (one for my purse and one for any current "activity" bag--aren't they cute, too?!). Plus, I always keep some travel packs around for emergencies (they're perfect to keep inside the car door!).
With a newborn in the house, I still use baby wipes for the traditional purpose, but here are FIVE more ways I rely on Huggies® wipes for the messes made by my older kids... and, guess what, even the messes made by ME!
Clean-up Trick #1: Cheetos + Cherries
Clean-up Trick #2: Chalk and Bubbles
When it's playtime, my kids get go ALL IN. And that often means BIG MESS. This summer, they especially love creating masterpieces in chalk, and when a sink or hose isn't around, baby wipes are the perfect solution to clean up those messy hands. Works great for removing bubble soap from skin, too!
Clean-up Trick #3: "Make-Your-Own-Lunch" Days
My girls love to be helpful, and it can be a big help when I don't have to fix everyone's lunches for them. So some days, they make lunches themselves (and I think you can see why this is only an occasional "favor"). On these most "helpful" days, baby wipes are essential to make cleaning those "helpful" messes quick and easy.
Ok, these last two are a little different, because they don't involve my kids at all! But they show yet two more ways I've come to rely on baby wipes -- for MYSELF!
Please see Exhibit A (above). Yes, I forgot the splash stick, and the coffee spilled all over. And in my own car, well, it doesn't bother me much, but my car-loving husband is not a fan of finding surprise messes in his console. And the fact that I've always got wipes in my purse ensures that he never knows I forgot to grab a splash stick. Yet again.
Clean-up Trick #5: Avoid the Flying Racquet on the Forehand
Yup. Baby wipes in my tennis bag. Sound weird? Well I've discovered they are totally essential in the summer. Because that other summer essential, sunscreen, leaves my hands a greasy mess, and the last thing I want to do is to assault my opponent by sending my racquet flying over the net. Easy fix: a baby wipe helps remove the lotion, and now I can focus on my game!
Huggies® has lots more fun and creative ways to use wipes--check out all four of these cute videos: 101 Uses of Huggies® Wipes at Walmart “Because Kids Outgrow Diapers, Not Messes*”.
Anyone else still use baby wipes past the baby stage? What do you use them for?
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