Back-to-School Prep Can Be Easier (and Prettier)!
Budget-Pleasing Deals and Clever Teacher Gifts
Any parent of school-age children knows how stressful the beginning of a new school year can be. And as if adapting to a new schedule and organizing the house isn't enough, back-to-school shopping is a serious undertaking. Because getting prepared for the school year isn't just about pretty folders and pencil cases.
But I've figured out a few ways to stream-line the process and make it easy for my family of six. And of course, I couldn't stop just at the deals... I had to incorporate a little crafting too ;)
Back to School... Like A Boss!
Getting ready for the school year is all about being prepared. You may have all the school supplies you need, but without a well-stocked supply closet, the hustle-and-bustle of adjusting to new routines would not go nearly as smoothly. You don't want to end up with an emergency paper-towel-run in the middle of making dinner on a school night... or discover you've got no tissues at the peak of cold-and-flu season!This week, I was fortunate enough to work with Kimberly Clark and Walmart so that I could tackle the craziness of back-to-school shopping. We were able to nab all the kids school supplies PLUS our general household products in just one trip! And as an extra bonus, the awesome paper products we got are PACKED with Box Tops to help support our favorite schools.
Done using the paper products? Well, that's when the fun really begins! It always bugs me to toss the paper towel and toilet paper tubes, even if we are recycling them. So if I can find a way to upcycle them instead, I'm all for it. And in the spirit of back-to-school season, we decided to make something with TEACHERS in mind.
Upcycled Cardboard Tube = Simple Teacher Gift
Want to help sweeten the back-to-school rush for your child's teacher (but NOT break the bank)? Whip up one of these pretty bouquets using simple materials you may already have on hand!The project is so easy. All you need is a cardboard tube, a paper lace doily, some twine, and a few fresh flowers.
Apply Modge Podge to the tube, then wrap a paper doily around it, covering it with Modge Podge, too.
Trim your flowers to the desired length and drop them into the tube. Then, add a bow with some twine to tie it all together.
And you're done! Make a special impression by having your little one hand-deliver them on the first day!
My kids and I had so much fun shopping and crafting together, and I'm bummed that we're already approaching the end of summer. But I feel like our home is a good place: well-stocked and ready to take on a new school year!

Want to eek out the best of a few more summer nights? Try recreating the DIY S'mores Bar we enjoyed a few weeks ago!
And hey, are we connected yet? If not, find me on Pinterest, Facebook, and Google+, and Bloglovin so we can start sharing ideas together!
Wishing you the best of luck in the back-to-school madness ;)
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